O real e o fantástico misturam-se, com consequências terríveis. É tudo em aguarela, e há um tipo chamado Nikita.

Um bando de miúdos com poderes supernaturais vai por esse mundo afora bater em monstros.

Uma história sobre ser alcoólico, passar mal, doença mental e abuso dos mais vulneráveis 🙁

↓ Transcript
9 panels.

Panel 1:
The interior garden of the building is decorated with the same blue flags sporting the Crow sigil of the Corvo House.

Panel 2,3,4,5:
Nikita spots a number of crows around the building. The crows spot him as well.

Panel 6,7:
Alessandro and Steffano approach Olivia. Alessandro is walking with his arms open wide, and Steffano is holding a crow.

Alessandro: General Mezzaferro! The sight of you blesses my eyes! Welcome again to the city of Salamanca!
Olivia: Call me Olivia, my dear.

Panel 7,8:
Nikita, behind Olivia, notices Steffano. Steffano notices him too and gets nervous.

Steffano (whispers): Nikita?

Panel 9:
All three crows take this as an invitation to fly towards Nikita shouting "NIKITA, NIKITA, NIKITA" and going directly for his hair. Nikita is suddenly surrounded by birds!