Boas gente!!

Sabiam que, a partir de agora e até dia 7 de maio, podem ajudar a angariar fundos para a impressão do segundo volume d’O Sarilho?
Pois é! Podem dar uma vista de olhos na campanha do PPL para ficarem com uma ideia das recompensas que podem alcançar se decidirem contribuir (que incluem, obviamente, uma cópia do volume 2… ou até mesmo uma do volume 1 para os que quiserem agarrar a oportunidade!).

Todos juntos chegamos lá!! 😀

↓ Transcript
7 Panels.

The shape of the panels is very distorted, as Dária grows more and more distressed with the ceremony, until something catches her attention.

Panel 1:
Close up of Dária's face, in distress.

Panel 2:
A shot of a family, possibly Timóteo's.

Panel 3,4:
Alessandro is addressing Nikita. He puts a hand on the Captain's shoulder, who looks confused.

Alessandro: Congratulations... Major Kirchhoff.

Panel 5:
Alessandro walks away, leaving Nikita with a shocked and empty expression. Dária notices this.

Alessandro (off panel): Glory only comes through sacrifice...

Panel 6,7:
Nikita, alone, grabbing tighter to the blue book he's carrying. The book has an orange ribbon around it, with Mikhail's name. His other hands grab the book with enough force to make it wrinkle.