Chapter: From Bad to Worse
Contigency plan: do not activate yet
Not depicted: an augure cries
Drawing bridges?? Four hours painting a single comic panel? Whomst?? (It’s ok, I love painting backgrounds, too bad it still hurts my wrist a bit 🙁 )
Famous bridge that was famously featured in previous pages! ★
↓ Transcript
4 Panels.
Panel 1:
Very small, showing Malik running away from the gang.
Panel 2:
A big shot of the bridge, and we can see the bombs planted by Victória earlier.
Steffano (off panel): The Lusitanians can't get to us without crossing the bridge and we can't let them get the Augur. Kali, keep an eye on the bridge. Let me know if you see anyone approaching, Medita or otherwise.
Panel 3, 4:
Steffano addresses Felda, who is holding a keyboard and has big headphones on.
Steffano: Blumenthal: if the others do not cross the bridge by 5:00 AM, I want you to trigger the explosioves and call Régula. Have them send a team to pick up us at the Resende wall.
Panel 1:
Very small, showing Malik running away from the gang.
Panel 2:
A big shot of the bridge, and we can see the bombs planted by Victória earlier.
Steffano (off panel): The Lusitanians can't get to us without crossing the bridge and we can't let them get the Augur. Kali, keep an eye on the bridge. Let me know if you see anyone approaching, Medita or otherwise.
Panel 3, 4:
Steffano addresses Felda, who is holding a keyboard and has big headphones on.
Steffano: Blumenthal: if the others do not cross the bridge by 5:00 AM, I want you to trigger the explosioves and call Régula. Have them send a team to pick up us at the Resende wall.
Well, there goes that lovely treaty everyone was so happy about earlier.
the bridge is always really beautiful and eyecatching on every page it shows up on! so sorry it hurts your wrist to draw it tho, aaaa that is the worst…
Corvo is nervous but trying his best ??
I’m a little surprised they’re using the AM/PM system for the military.
that’s just me doing a poorly-contextualized translation cuz now that you remind me…