Chapter: From Bad to Worse
Fausta: screams, tries to pry off her eyes, gets sedated, wakes up shortly after, screams some more
Jacinto: oh come on, miss
↓ Transcript
2 Panels. The first one takes two thirds of the page.
Panel 1:
Jacinto is dragging Fausta's body away from the Foreigner, slowly. He's complaining as he does so. Fausta seems to be barely counscious.
Jacinto: There, missy, you sure did wander off!
Fausta: I am not... I am... It's not me...
Jacinto: Who is it that you are not, miss Fausta?
Fausta: The cross.. T-The crosses...
Panel 2:
Someone steps in. Jacinto notices them.
Fausta: Crosses... And LIGHTNING!
2 Panels. The first one takes two thirds of the page.
Panel 1:
Jacinto is dragging Fausta's body away from the Foreigner, slowly. He's complaining as he does so. Fausta seems to be barely counscious.
Jacinto: There, missy, you sure did wander off!
Fausta: I am not... I am... It's not me...
Jacinto: Who is it that you are not, miss Fausta?
Fausta: The cross.. T-The crosses...
Panel 2:
Someone steps in. Jacinto notices them.
Fausta: Crosses... And LIGHTNING!