Chapter: From Bad to Worse
Dária, I know it is very important for you to feel you’re helping everyone out and being the shiniest star tonight, but consider this revolutionary concept: maybe I told you to retreat for your own protection.
↓ Transcript
6 Panels.
Panel 1,2:
The desluso trying to bite Dária stops moving after the gunshot. Dária is bloodied and missing a finger, with massive bite wounds on her right arm.
Panel 3:
The blood coming from Victor reaches Nikita's white shoes.
Panel 4,5:
Nikita looks at Dária, who is holding her bitten hand, crying. He's almost shouting.
Nikita: GRILLO! I gave you ORDERS for your own protect-
Panel 6:
The creaking sounds of an engine interrupt the soldiers.
Panel 1,2:
The desluso trying to bite Dária stops moving after the gunshot. Dária is bloodied and missing a finger, with massive bite wounds on her right arm.
Panel 3:
The blood coming from Victor reaches Nikita's white shoes.
Panel 4,5:
Nikita looks at Dária, who is holding her bitten hand, crying. He's almost shouting.
Nikita: GRILLO! I gave you ORDERS for your own protect-
Panel 6:
The creaking sounds of an engine interrupt the soldiers.
OMG D: the finger.
But the Zombies are gone….. or …out of order..
But now to the next problem.
Zombies are out of order… for now… But something noisy is coming in the dark night
os portugueses vao ter olhos e dedos de sobra agora
Ham, tudo conta como espólio de guerra?? Os meus troféus? Tenho 20 dedos de Meditas num frasco no meu quarto?
everyones losing bodyparts or brain matter damnnn.
also that last panel with the contrast between the sky and the earth is so gorgeoussss and makes this place feel like a liminal space, which is perfect for the alien with telepathy screaming in a good portion of the casts’ heads
?? Thank you!! Now it’s time for a quick change
Not the fingy!!