Chapter: Paso Doble
Location: Salamanca
↓ Transcript
4 Panels.
Panel 1, 2:
Diana moves around Steffano, helping him put on the big white toga.
Diana: Hey! At least you'll make a fine corpse!
Steffano: Every day this war goes on he grows politically stronger. And unchallenged.
Diana: Yeah, but you don't need to make yourself his enemy just yet. Or, at least, not so obviously.
Panel 3:
Diana touches her brother's chin with a finger. They both smile, Steffano scratches his neck as he usually does.
Steffano: You think I'm obvious?
Diana: If anything, I think you're not being dramatic enough.
Panel 4:
The two Corvo siblings stare into their reflections on the mirror. Diana crosses her arms, Steffano hides his inside the toga.
Diana: I hope you have good allies.
Steffano: I do.
Diana: I mean allies with guns.
Panel 1, 2:
Diana moves around Steffano, helping him put on the big white toga.
Diana: Hey! At least you'll make a fine corpse!
Steffano: Every day this war goes on he grows politically stronger. And unchallenged.
Diana: Yeah, but you don't need to make yourself his enemy just yet. Or, at least, not so obviously.
Panel 3:
Diana touches her brother's chin with a finger. They both smile, Steffano scratches his neck as he usually does.
Steffano: You think I'm obvious?
Diana: If anything, I think you're not being dramatic enough.
Panel 4:
The two Corvo siblings stare into their reflections on the mirror. Diana crosses her arms, Steffano hides his inside the toga.
Diana: I hope you have good allies.
Steffano: I do.
Diana: I mean allies with guns.
Somehow, I get the feeling that by the end of this, it’ll be the kids from both sides who first met in battle upon the arrival of the foreigner, who will come together with him, and fight the old guard on both sides.