Aquele diagrama mental do Pimenta passou por várias fases e mesmo assim eu não sei o quão compreensível é, mas OLHA

NOVIDADES? Sabiam que O Sarilho faz OITO ANOS AMANHÃ? Pois é, parece que foi ontem… Na realidade não, mas certamente que não parece que foi há oito anos que comecei, quase que não faz sentido. Mas depois uma pessoa olha para o que cresceu e para o que aprendeu e para o que viveu acompanhada do mesmo projecto e tem de admitir que sim, até faz sentido terem passado 8 anos. A vida dá voltas e voltas mas felizmente O Sarilho sempre ficou.

Did you know I will be an Exhibitor at the Thought Bubble Festival in Harrogate between November 16 and 17th? You can search for me and Honestly Not a Robot on the exhibitor’s list :3 We will be sharing a table selling our wares, which as you may very correctly guess, include comics! Like this one comic you can read on this website!

I will be selling O Sarilho comic and art books, some extras, illustrations and mayhaps even whatever tiny charms I still have left. If you are in England and you like comics, TB is one of the best comic festival experiences I’ve ever had and I cannot recommend it enough. And if you’re looking to buy a comic from me personally, it is the best possible time 🙂

↓ Transcript
4 Panels.

Panel 1: Nikita tosses a bag onto the back of the car's cargo, while Dária happily hops towards him. Nikita doesn't turn back to answer when she talks to him.

Dária: Is cousin coming too?
Nikita: Jorge's with me.
Dária: Oh, that's a relief!

Panel 2: Dária continues her tirade, much to the dismay of Pepper. Nikita looks back at her with a perplexed expression, but says nothing.

Dária (cont.): Cousin's a little too self-aggrandizing for someone who looks away when shit happens in front of him. "Oooohooo lookit me, only I can end world hunger!!" Ok, Steffanito, we get it.

Panel 3: Pepper indulges in some very complicated math while sweating profusely. The smiling face of Nikita next to one crow. Steffano's smiley face next to two crows. The numbers add up: they are kissing sloppy.

Panel 4: Dária backflips into the cargo in a swift movement while she continues her tirade about Steffano.

Dária: You know his heart bleeds for the poor but it sure doesn't for a sibling! Even less for a cousin.
Pepper: Come on, c-can you blame him for taking after his own family?
Dária: Oh he's worse because he thinks he's so different. Well, I'm putting that shit behind me. Corvos? Over it. Grillos? Overer it. 510 is the year of the Dária.