Chapter: Luta e Fuga
Location: Lusitânia
Lembram-se que eu disse que fazia montagem de prova de roupa com o Estrangeiro? Pois, mas eu não esqueci, e agora que finalmente está cá fora eu olho e penso “não valeu muito a espera, não”
↓ Transcript
4 Panels.
Panel 1: Angela draws the closet open and inspects the clothes inside. Miguel is curious by the bedsheets.
Panel 2: Angela softly touches a transparent veil handing inside the closet. A RRRRPPPPP sound gets her attention.
Panel 3: Holding the veil, she looks backwards to find Miguel bit and ripped through a pillow, sprading tiny feathers around him.
Panel 4: Montage of Angela making Miguel try different outfits, superimposed with decaying flowers.
Panel 1: Angela draws the closet open and inspects the clothes inside. Miguel is curious by the bedsheets.
Panel 2: Angela softly touches a transparent veil handing inside the closet. A RRRRPPPPP sound gets her attention.
Panel 3: Holding the veil, she looks backwards to find Miguel bit and ripped through a pillow, sprading tiny feathers around him.
Panel 4: Montage of Angela making Miguel try different outfits, superimposed with decaying flowers.
I promised this one like 5 years ago and now it’s here and it’s so underwhelming oh no Orz
Him hungy. Nom pillow. Baby, no.
EH CUARALHO, estoy actualizado oficialmente! :0