E era suposto eu ficar a saber ASSIM que não só que a Fausta tinha um relacionamentozito com a Felda mas também que a Faustinha tem a disponibilidade emocional de um peixinho de aquário por MOTIVOS INESCRUTÁVEIS e que portanto qualquer relação que ela tivesse não ia ter pernas para andar?? É suposto?!??!!

↓ Transcript
2 Panels.

The background of the page looks like a view from underwater, with the sun coming through the surface. It's salmon pink, much like the river the two women are next to.

Panel 1: The two women stand next to the river, as the scene goes darker as the suns sets. Felda with her back to the camera, and a sad Fausta looking away.

Felda: If you can't even be open about why you're breaking up with me, then I guess there isn't much that can be done. Carrying the emotional weight for the two of us was a little unfair anyway.
Fausta: I'm sorry I couldn't be better.

Panel 2: Felda's words seem to sink underwater.

Felda (off panel): The weight of the world does not rest on your shoulders, Fausta.