Gee, Filipa, you keeping a very highly specific kind of grudge in there, aren’t you?

I mean, she goes around like “yeah the walking corpse. The walking corpse of the dude that ripped my leg off”

Spiderforest’s Comic of Week of Feb 16 – 22

Across the Universe

Space’s vast reaches make for just as vast an adventure!


Thunderstar – Thunderstar is about a sassy goth girl space pilot and her high-strung engineer who go on a quest to save the pilot’s boyfriend from an evil cult and uncover secrets along the way.

[Thunderstar Webtoon Mirror]

O Sarilho

O Sarilho – In O Sarilho, an alien gets shot in the face four times and for some reason that starts a war!

↓ Transcript
3 Panels.

Panel 1: The girls listen to the music, looking absent. Filipa continues adjusting her covers.

Miguel (off panel): Why is she singing?
Filipa: Because we like to hear her do it.
Angela: She's expressing herself through music.
Filipa: Music makes you feel things, yes yes yes.
Angela: Sometimes... Words are not enoughbto convey how you feel, like-

Panel 2: Filipa interrupts. She looks a little upset as she remembers who Miguel is. The background is a highly stylized picture of Miguel with 5 eyes and a halo.

Filipa: Like seeing an angel come back from the dead! That sure makes people feel emotions they never thought they'd feel before!

Panel 3: Miguel has an epiphany. The music dances around him.

Miguel: I see. It's art.