Chapter: Revelações
Acreditas que há gente a espalhar PANFLETOS com TEORIAS DA CONSPIRAÇÃO depois de haver jornais com notícias a sério e que nunca nunca estariam enviesados???
Qual destas emocionantes notícias lerias e porquê?
Em outras notícias, o colectivo SpiderForest vai lançar uma antologia dedicada ao tema “Criaturas” e que conta com 19 histórias (uma das quais escrita por mim e passada no mundo d’O Sarilho!). O projecto está neste momento em fase de angariação de fundos no Kickstarter e vocês estão todos convidados a contribuir!
↓ Transcript
6 Panels
Panel 1:
A foggy, rainy morning dawns in Coimbra. Picture houses on a hill, water dripping.
Panel 2:
A sequence of newpapers hanging from wires in front of a newspaper stand. They sport different titles, ranging from O DIÁRIO, SEGUNDA-FEIRA to O LUSITANO. SEGUNDA-FEIRA's cover includes the title "Tensions Grow in New Aveiro", and O LUSITANO reads "President visits underwater ruins of Lisbon".
Manel, holding a copy of SEGUNDA-FEIRA and seemingly unimpressed: Huh. So "nothing" happened last night.
Panel 2:
Maurício, with his head burried so deep in his beanie we can hardly see his eyes. Mayhaps annoyingly: Just be happy that your brother-in-law didn't arrest you too.
Panel 3,4,5:
Manel sees a piece of paper on the floor, under his shoe. It reads "MIRACLE IN FRONT OF THE CATHEDRAL".
Manel: Yeah, bless his heart.
Panel 1:
A foggy, rainy morning dawns in Coimbra. Picture houses on a hill, water dripping.
Panel 2:
A sequence of newpapers hanging from wires in front of a newspaper stand. They sport different titles, ranging from O DIÁRIO, SEGUNDA-FEIRA to O LUSITANO. SEGUNDA-FEIRA's cover includes the title "Tensions Grow in New Aveiro", and O LUSITANO reads "President visits underwater ruins of Lisbon".
Manel, holding a copy of SEGUNDA-FEIRA and seemingly unimpressed: Huh. So "nothing" happened last night.
Panel 2:
Maurício, with his head burried so deep in his beanie we can hardly see his eyes. Mayhaps annoyingly: Just be happy that your brother-in-law didn't arrest you too.
Panel 3,4,5:
Manel sees a piece of paper on the floor, under his shoe. It reads "MIRACLE IN FRONT OF THE CATHEDRAL".
Manel: Yeah, bless his heart.
Olha a designer wow!
adoro estes 2
Those newspapers are a really cool touch, dang!!
Me and ma boy-in-law, walking down the street, looking at news during a fascist regime.
Seriously though, the newspapers/landscape change is a really nice tough