↓ Transcript
5 panels.
Panel 1:
Franquelim, holding a box of cigars, gesturing towards Nikita.
Frank: Hey, Capitán! You have fought the witches before. Ever seen a DESLUSO?
Panels 2 and 3:
Nikita fiddles with the map, which clearly displays the river DUERO.
Nikita: I never fought the Lusos as a captain and I've never seen the dead ones up close.
Panels 4 and 5:
Frank lights up a cigar with his gloved finger.
Frank: Well, then. I hope you never have to.
Panel 1:
Franquelim, holding a box of cigars, gesturing towards Nikita.
Frank: Hey, Capitán! You have fought the witches before. Ever seen a DESLUSO?
Panels 2 and 3:
Nikita fiddles with the map, which clearly displays the river DUERO.
Nikita: I never fought the Lusos as a captain and I've never seen the dead ones up close.
Panels 4 and 5:
Frank lights up a cigar with his gloved finger.
Frank: Well, then. I hope you never have to.
omg i just clicked the back buttn because I was like “DID HE JUsT LigHT IT UP WITH HIS FINGERS? omg he did”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Okay. So he may not be irresponsible because he’s self-centered or doesn’t care so much as coping poorly with traumatic experiences. And able to make fire with his fingers.
He’s got a lot on his plate!
OHHH he’s magic!!!