Chapter: Conversations in Ash
Location: Régula
↓ Transcript
5 Panels.
Panel 1,2:
Nikita walks through a door, with a plate saying "GABINETTO DI ÁUGURII". A blue box full of papers follows him through the corridor. There is MIKHAIL written on it.
Panel 3:
Nikita walks by two smoking Augurs, who mutter under their breaths: ÁRGON, HELP ME.
Panel 4,5:
Nikita halts next to a door. The plate on it says "SHIZUKA NAKAMURA. AUG.", with a few more imperial symbols.
5 Panels.
Panel 1,2:
Nikita walks through a door, with a plate saying "GABINETTO DI ÁUGURII". A blue box full of papers follows him through the corridor. There is MIKHAIL written on it.
Panel 3:
Nikita walks by two smoking Augurs, who mutter under their breaths: ÁRGON, HELP ME.
Panel 4,5:
Nikita halts next to a door. The plate on it says "SHIZUKA NAKAMURA. AUG.", with a few more imperial symbols.