Chapter: Conversations in Ash
Location: Salamanca
↓ Transcript
6 Panels.
Panel 1,2:
Dária raises her fist to her chest and stands to attention. She jumps away as Nikita looks to the massive door behind him again.
Panel 3,4:
Nikita, alone inside the huge Catheral. The inside is cold and dark, with some light coming in the dusty atmosphere. He is small compared to everything.
Panel 5,6:
Nikita grabs his medal and pulls it off with a strong gesture.
Panel 1,2:
Dária raises her fist to her chest and stands to attention. She jumps away as Nikita looks to the massive door behind him again.
Panel 3,4:
Nikita, alone inside the huge Catheral. The inside is cold and dark, with some light coming in the dusty atmosphere. He is small compared to everything.
Panel 5,6:
Nikita grabs his medal and pulls it off with a strong gesture.
ohhhhhhhhhhh damnnn shiza this is stunning. my jaw dropped. it turned to dust. speaking of, the dust partcles in th lightbeams?? and the lightbeams hitting that latticed area (and that WHOLE latticed area)?? Y-Y damn
I spent an insane amount of time just getting the hang of this place
These backgrounds are so stunning, just absolutely gorgeous Shiza! ??
sometimes background.. speaks louder than character
The architecture is just…so good. Love it and love the whole comic!!
your comments fill me with strenght I just really love buildings