Chapter: The Vehicle
Location: Arouca
↓ Transcript
4 Panels.
Panel 1:
Bright blue, as the Augur is connected to the God machine. Franquelim's body is bleeding and shaking. The computer's words are broken and spread around the panel.
Frank!Árgon: One of the debris - Ea-RTH, NO - NO...t... Actually, if I man...Man-nage. In the Arch-ch-ive... INFORM.
Panel 2:
Closeup of the information on the COMCATA screen. It states the connection to Árgon has lasted for 15:13 minutes and the condition is critical.
Mikhail: Nikita, we gon have to cut the link, we're past 15 minutes!
Panel 3:
Nikita shuts Mikhail up by raising a fist.
Nikita: Not yet.
Mikhail, very tiny in the background and holding a keyboard: NIKITA?
Panel 4:
Nikita looking very serious towards the Augur.
Nikita: If this didn't come from Earth... WHERE did it come from?
Panel 1:
Bright blue, as the Augur is connected to the God machine. Franquelim's body is bleeding and shaking. The computer's words are broken and spread around the panel.
Frank!Árgon: One of the debris - Ea-RTH, NO - NO...t... Actually, if I man...Man-nage. In the Arch-ch-ive... INFORM.
Panel 2:
Closeup of the information on the COMCATA screen. It states the connection to Árgon has lasted for 15:13 minutes and the condition is critical.
Mikhail: Nikita, we gon have to cut the link, we're past 15 minutes!
Panel 3:
Nikita shuts Mikhail up by raising a fist.
Nikita: Not yet.
Mikhail, very tiny in the background and holding a keyboard: NIKITA?
Panel 4:
Nikita looking very serious towards the Augur.
Nikita: If this didn't come from Earth... WHERE did it come from?
OH YIKES, i understand Nikita’s Need for more information but am scared to find out what happens to the franquelim if they keep it goinggaaAAAAAAA
Are they gonna melt Wakenbake’s poor brain D: