Ch5p58 2
Chapter: The Foreigner
Location: Académia
↓ Transcript
6 Panels.
Panel 1:
Eurico bends forwards and holds his chest, as if he's been hit by something.
Panel 2:
The students bend forward as well. They're confusingly and painfully helping each other get up from the shock.
Student 1: Did the PDL just shoot at us?!
Student 2: Was I shot?
Panel 3:
Eurico looks at his hand. He has not been shot.
Student 3 (off panel): I felt it too!
Panel 3:
Maurício turns back to a hunched over Manel.
Maurício: Are you ok, mate?
Manel: Aww Fuck, that shit HURTED.
Panel 4:
Eurico grins.
Panel 5:
The silhouetes of Eurico, Ângela and the Foreigner. Eurico is still holding his chest, as the Foreigner falls on the floor with a halo around him. Ângela is also hunched over, holding her chest. In the background, silhouetes of confused students.
Eurico: So it's got a sense of humor, hein?
Panel 1:
Eurico bends forwards and holds his chest, as if he's been hit by something.
Panel 2:
The students bend forward as well. They're confusingly and painfully helping each other get up from the shock.
Student 1: Did the PDL just shoot at us?!
Student 2: Was I shot?
Panel 3:
Eurico looks at his hand. He has not been shot.
Student 3 (off panel): I felt it too!
Panel 3:
Maurício turns back to a hunched over Manel.
Maurício: Are you ok, mate?
Manel: Aww Fuck, that shit HURTED.
Panel 4:
Eurico grins.
Panel 5:
The silhouetes of Eurico, Ângela and the Foreigner. Eurico is still holding his chest, as the Foreigner falls on the floor with a halo around him. Ângela is also hunched over, holding her chest. In the background, silhouetes of confused students.
Eurico: So it's got a sense of humor, hein?
and foreigner said “well fuck you, ya’ll are feeling this too”
He’s got a sense of humor
Is the “hurted” intentional? Is there also a nonstandard spelling in the Portuguese version?
It was very much intentional
Residual agony
oh that’s a nice way to put it!