Ch5p62 2
Chapter: The Foreigner
Location: Académia
? Call for Guest Art ?
O Sarilho will go on a one-month break in October and I’d like to feature as many artists as possible during that period! Feel free to submit your guest art in any type of media to [email protected] until September 25th ?
I’m talking about fanart, fancomics, fanfics, fanmusics, whatever you feel like!
New SpiderForest Webcomics!
↓ Transcript
The creature/Foreigner, made of a mix of body parts and dead people, grabs a horrified Eurico. His mind shouts "GET OUT OF HER MIND"
oh box oh boy oh boyyyy!!!
Yesss this is even better animated!! Eurico I hope you’re feeling the fear now
Every pain, every monstrosity, every torture device and every victim. Fun-fun! Honestly, it’s always fun to see people meet a complete out-of-context problem like an Actual Alien and realise it really doesn’t run on the same rules everyone else does.
hey look eurico, you were missing victor and there he is
Poor, foolish Eurico. He wasn’t keeping his knowledge secret from you. He was protecting you from it.
Are you happy, now that he’s finally giving you what you’ve been demanding?