Chapter: Paso Doble
Location: Salamanca
I got a new scholarship, so that’s gonna keep me fed for another six months while I try to get this PhD out of my way!! In the meanwhile, it’s not like I’m getting paid until the end of the month, so consider tipping me on my ko-fi (in which you can read comic before the update) or commissioning me (I am fast!).
ON EVEN BETTER NEWS, check out which O Sarilho character are you from this very limited quiz, and lemme know what you got!!
↓ Transcript
5 Panels.
Panel 1: Franquelim walks into his office. It's messy, but plenty of light comes through a big window facing south. There's at least two monitors and one comcata, some posters on the walls, post-its everywhere. Franquelim motions a hand to Nikita, inviting him in.
Franq: Do you have to visit me everytime you're in Salamanca? What are you doing here?
Panel 2: Nikita takes a look at some postcards on the wall. One seems to be generic Augury Offices pamphlet, the other one is a picture of a younger Franq standing next to a machine.
Nikita: I do think of you as a friend.
Franq (off panel): Oh, is that so?
Panel 3: Franq smiles to the computer and types something on his keyboard. There is now text on the monitor, but it's unreadable.
Franquelim: Say good morning to our Argon.
Nikita (off panel): Good morning, Argon.
Franquelim: He says good morning to you too, Major Kirchhoff.
Panel 4: A higher view of the office showing how messy and crowded and small it is. Franq puts the laurel crown on his head while gesticulating towards Nikita. He sits with his legs crossed, while Nikita sits facing the back of his own chair.
Nikita: No voice synthetizer?
Franq: Huh, look, he'd be constantly making jokes and I don't need that distraction.
Panel 5: Franq looks directly at Nikita, serious.
Franq: Now. Why are you here?
Panel 1: Franquelim walks into his office. It's messy, but plenty of light comes through a big window facing south. There's at least two monitors and one comcata, some posters on the walls, post-its everywhere. Franquelim motions a hand to Nikita, inviting him in.
Franq: Do you have to visit me everytime you're in Salamanca? What are you doing here?
Panel 2: Nikita takes a look at some postcards on the wall. One seems to be generic Augury Offices pamphlet, the other one is a picture of a younger Franq standing next to a machine.
Nikita: I do think of you as a friend.
Franq (off panel): Oh, is that so?
Panel 3: Franq smiles to the computer and types something on his keyboard. There is now text on the monitor, but it's unreadable.
Franquelim: Say good morning to our Argon.
Nikita (off panel): Good morning, Argon.
Franquelim: He says good morning to you too, Major Kirchhoff.
Panel 4: A higher view of the office showing how messy and crowded and small it is. Franq puts the laurel crown on his head while gesticulating towards Nikita. He sits with his legs crossed, while Nikita sits facing the back of his own chair.
Nikita: No voice synthetizer?
Franq: Huh, look, he'd be constantly making jokes and I don't need that distraction.
Panel 5: Franq looks directly at Nikita, serious.
Franq: Now. Why are you here?
Okay, didn’t expect that outcome of the quiz! 😂
Congratulations on your scholarship!
I don’t know, voice syntheised Argon telling me in your server I have a 2.5% chance of being bled dry by mosquitos and going to the eternal city is questionably as a joke but i understand Franq’s opinion
You gotta admit it is pretty funny
I’m a funny computer. Just because I write computer programs for a living doesn’t mean I am a computer. Or… am I? It’s nice seeing Franq again, I like him :3
could be worse. you could be the unfunny computer
Question 7 really should have “read webcomics for 3 hours” as a response.
Yes! That would absolutely have been my choice! 😎
I’m dead and out of this world! Yeah, so do some of friends think of me
I am a true Miguel.
And we are not alone – beware world!
Dropping in just to say Franquelim is fucking cute. Carry on