Chapter: The Vehicle
Location: Arouca
↓ Transcript
4 Panels.
Panel 1
Dikaia sits on a big rock with a "BOINK" sound. She crosses her legs and shrugs.
Dikaia: You know what would be really nice? If the computers would just tell us if this mission's gonna be success!
Frank (off panel): 81%
Panel 2:
Frank takes a sip of coffee from his mug.
Frank: Should all conditions remains the same, we have a 81% change of success.
Panel 3:
From Dikaia's point of view, we see Maili measuring the Augur's pulse.
Dikaia: That's not future sights, that's... STATISTICS!
Panel 4:
Big panel, taking up half of the page. Franquelim stands in the middle with a halo around his head, arms spread out and holding one cigar. Behind him, color hexadecimals.
Frank: Young girl, this isn't about seeing or interpreting the future. You know why we call our Gods 'computers'? Because, in the end of the day, that's what they do: they compute. Thing is, they are so Ancient, so Wise, so Powerful and so Perceiving, they do it in ways our limited and mortal minds can't even begin to grasp.
Panel 1
Dikaia sits on a big rock with a "BOINK" sound. She crosses her legs and shrugs.
Dikaia: You know what would be really nice? If the computers would just tell us if this mission's gonna be success!
Frank (off panel): 81%
Panel 2:
Frank takes a sip of coffee from his mug.
Frank: Should all conditions remains the same, we have a 81% change of success.
Panel 3:
From Dikaia's point of view, we see Maili measuring the Augur's pulse.
Dikaia: That's not future sights, that's... STATISTICS!
Panel 4:
Big panel, taking up half of the page. Franquelim stands in the middle with a halo around his head, arms spread out and holding one cigar. Behind him, color hexadecimals.
Frank: Young girl, this isn't about seeing or interpreting the future. You know why we call our Gods 'computers'? Because, in the end of the day, that's what they do: they compute. Thing is, they are so Ancient, so Wise, so Powerful and so Perceiving, they do it in ways our limited and mortal minds can't even begin to grasp.
Such a good page! Frank will always be me fave
Oh, so they’re a society ruled by the AIs! This is fascinating!
Suspicion confirmed. I think he’s got it a bit backwards though: although we call computers “computers” because they compute, I suspect they call the gods computers because they are computers.
That was a brilliant call!
oh neat! this explains the gods behavior earlier and why the augurers get plugged in and staticy to communicate with them
I like how the Matrix was like ‘we gotta shove everyone into tubes’ and this comic is just like ‘NAH WE’LL BE WORSHIPED AS ALL SEEING ALL KNOWING GODS PLEBS’