Chapter: The Foreigner
Location: Académia
I mean.. Who else had access to deslusos and the room and knew the foreigner was there and the gang was there and who else would apologise to Estanis like that, right? It had to be an inside job
Take a good wide look at this O Sarilho opening made by Radou:
↓ Transcript
5 Panels
Panel 1:
Top view of the room, with Estanislau patting Eurico's back while he very probably pukes. The deslusos' bodies are scattered over the room. Estanis looks around.
Estanislau: Oh dear Lord. This has to be an inside job. And they kept apologising? You sure you alright, tho?
Eurico: COUGH COUGH - The commander has to be close. They stole my cape??
Panel 2:
Estanislau checks the room behind the curtain while Eurico adjusts his outfiit and cleans his face.
Eurico: Where is the Foreigner?
Estanislau: What do you mean 'where'?, it's right -
Panel 3:
Estanislau looks back to Eurico. Behind him, the chair where the Foreigner was tied is empty.
Panel 4,5:
Eurico is surprised, and then quietly angry. His neck is very clearly bruised.
Eurico: Oh Ângela.
Panel 1:
Top view of the room, with Estanislau patting Eurico's back while he very probably pukes. The deslusos' bodies are scattered over the room. Estanis looks around.
Estanislau: Oh dear Lord. This has to be an inside job. And they kept apologising? You sure you alright, tho?
Eurico: COUGH COUGH - The commander has to be close. They stole my cape??
Panel 2:
Estanislau checks the room behind the curtain while Eurico adjusts his outfiit and cleans his face.
Eurico: Where is the Foreigner?
Estanislau: What do you mean 'where'?, it's right -
Panel 3:
Estanislau looks back to Eurico. Behind him, the chair where the Foreigner was tied is empty.
Panel 4,5:
Eurico is surprised, and then quietly angry. His neck is very clearly bruised.
Eurico: Oh Ângela.
Ruh roh Angela you are in troubllleeeee
Things I did not expect to be doing today, a list by Angela: Controlling the undead, attacking my Godfather and boyfriend, escaping with a hot undead alien angel guy
Sometimes Thursdays be like that tho
Actually, this is happening on a Saturday!
gosh Angela what a week
Ohhhh. I thought Foreigner-san figured out how to control deslusos to get themselves away from the ouches and go look for the rest of themselves. (My headcanon has Foreigner-san being completely pacifistic in intention but accidentally harming humans because they just too eldritch, so the apologies would be “oh no! the pink fleshy things are sending pain signals! sorry! sorry! gotta go tho”)
but this is much better. Run Angela!
Well, I do not dislike this idea either!! Foreigner-san, please be nice…