Chapter: Revelations
Location: Lusitania
How do you explain you witnessed a miracle without making it weird?
↓ Transcript
7 Panels
Panel 1,2:
Filipa freezes.
Filipa: WHAT?
Panel 3:
Filipa points her shotgun at Ângela again, much to her dismay.
Filipa: Ok, now you're just making shit up!
Filipa: Keep the FUCK AWAY, WITCH!
Panel 4:
The Foreigner observes the scene.
Ângela (off panel): Filipa, please... Miguel came from the Heavens, with a message, to help humanity.
Filipa (off panel): Seems pretty human to me!
Panel 5:
Ângela receedes further into the ocean.
Ângela: He's one of the soldiers you brought from the Atégina mission. I was about to reprogram him when he started... when he woke up.
Filipa (emphasis): You're just trying to manipulate me now, witch!
Ângela: I swear to God! I am not TAMPERING with you!
Filipa (LOUD): LIAR!
Panel 6:
Ângela, terrified. Her hands and face sport deep wounds, once again.
Ângela: Filipa, please...
Panel 7:
Same panel as before, but it shatters in many pieces with a "PFOW" sound.
Panel 1,2:
Filipa freezes.
Filipa: WHAT?
Panel 3:
Filipa points her shotgun at Ângela again, much to her dismay.
Filipa: Ok, now you're just making shit up!
Filipa: Keep the FUCK AWAY, WITCH!
Panel 4:
The Foreigner observes the scene.
Ângela (off panel): Filipa, please... Miguel came from the Heavens, with a message, to help humanity.
Filipa (off panel): Seems pretty human to me!
Panel 5:
Ângela receedes further into the ocean.
Ângela: He's one of the soldiers you brought from the Atégina mission. I was about to reprogram him when he started... when he woke up.
Filipa (emphasis): You're just trying to manipulate me now, witch!
Ângela: I swear to God! I am not TAMPERING with you!
Filipa (LOUD): LIAR!
Panel 6:
Ângela, terrified. Her hands and face sport deep wounds, once again.
Ângela: Filipa, please...
Panel 7:
Same panel as before, but it shatters in many pieces with a "PFOW" sound.
angela: He too hot to be human
Filipa: what???
angela: what?
Love how he’s got that impossible alien arm and Filipa just brushes it off. But honestly, if I encountered some supernatural weirdo on the street, my first reaction would probably be “nice cosplay!”
Good lord, what happened to her hand!?
Psychic damage only she can see. I think
“…….. wut” is a mood XD Poor angela
Angela: “Filipa… hes not human…. hes….. hes….. a furry”
I mean, neither of them are wrong XD
We got a alien boi who USED to be human…..past tense is important, Filipa