Chapter: Paso Doble
Location: Salamanca
Scooch that little man to the side with your cane.
↓ Transcript
6 Panels.
Panel 1: Franq reaches for his office's door, looks back to Nikita.
Franq: What about the General?
Panel 2: A serious Nikita.
Nikita: What about him?
Franq (off-panel): You know what I mean.
Nikita: I figured I'd get the hard proof first and ask for forgiveness later.
Panel 3: They enter the office, and Franq moves a quite jolly Nikita to the side with his cane.
Franq: Like you so often do, amirite?
Nikita: Hey!! The General will look the other way when I get him results. So,
Panel 4: Nikita smiles deviously at Franq.
Nikita: Are you gonna sit and wait for someone else to figure out that song?
Panel 5: Franq takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Franq: Why. Why are we doing this again?
Panel 6: Franq lets himself fall on his augur chair while Nikita proceeds with his argumentation, happily.
Nikita: The General doesn't care about what happened to us, or what we found. But I do, and so do you.
Franq: I'm a little too old and tired to care, Nikusha.
Panel 1: Franq reaches for his office's door, looks back to Nikita.
Franq: What about the General?
Panel 2: A serious Nikita.
Nikita: What about him?
Franq (off-panel): You know what I mean.
Nikita: I figured I'd get the hard proof first and ask for forgiveness later.
Panel 3: They enter the office, and Franq moves a quite jolly Nikita to the side with his cane.
Franq: Like you so often do, amirite?
Nikita: Hey!! The General will look the other way when I get him results. So,
Panel 4: Nikita smiles deviously at Franq.
Nikita: Are you gonna sit and wait for someone else to figure out that song?
Panel 5: Franq takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Franq: Why. Why are we doing this again?
Panel 6: Franq lets himself fall on his augur chair while Nikita proceeds with his argumentation, happily.
Nikita: The General doesn't care about what happened to us, or what we found. But I do, and so do you.
Franq: I'm a little too old and tired to care, Nikusha.
Franq knows very well that Nikita will keep hammering him until he relents eventually!
But he just can’t be seen giving in too easily even so.
“Hammering him” you say????????
That, too, if it is what it takes! 😎
oh no

“I think I still need a bit more convincing!”
one needs to ponder how much into this Franq might actually be. surely Nikita isn’t a computer, but…
obrigado obrigado obrigado obrigado obrigado
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