↓ Transcript
5 panels.
Panel 1:
Aurik is holding the cable from the NOCVIC.
Nikita [off panel]: Aurik, cable.
Panel 2:
Nikita holds the Nocvics to look at the debris. Behind him are the doctor and another soldier with her helmet off, and they both look excited.
Daria: Wow! Can't believe we really found the satellite!
Maili (the doctor): More like what's left of it, but yay!
Panel 3:
Nikita takes the Nocvic away from his face, but says nothing.
Panel 4:
Nikita looks at his soldiers, Aurik is standing by his side.
Nikita: Troops: We have a lot of work ahead of us! Don't be reckless, don't draw attention, [bold] do not stand out [/bold].
We have five hours of darkness left.
Panel 5:
Another shot of the debris.
Nikita (cont): We will collect only what we have visuals on while we wait for Our Árgon to identify further debris' locations.
Panel 1:
Aurik is holding the cable from the NOCVIC.
Nikita [off panel]: Aurik, cable.
Panel 2:
Nikita holds the Nocvics to look at the debris. Behind him are the doctor and another soldier with her helmet off, and they both look excited.
Daria: Wow! Can't believe we really found the satellite!
Maili (the doctor): More like what's left of it, but yay!
Panel 3:
Nikita takes the Nocvic away from his face, but says nothing.
Panel 4:
Nikita looks at his soldiers, Aurik is standing by his side.
Nikita: Troops: We have a lot of work ahead of us! Don't be reckless, don't draw attention, [bold] do not stand out [/bold].
We have five hours of darkness left.
Panel 5:
Another shot of the debris.
Nikita (cont): We will collect only what we have visuals on while we wait for Our Árgon to identify further debris' locations.